I've run 4 days this past week. I haven't done that since last fall when I was running every Wednesday with my running group, running a few days a week on my own and running with my sister helping her get into running.
Last Sunday was a nice day in the mid 40's so I was able to run at the lake a slow 3.5 miles. It included having to retrace my steps to find one of my Nike light weight runnng gloves. Even though it was in the 40's, it can be a bit breezy at the lake, expecially running across the dam, which I have to do twice so I started out with gloves and an ear band which I quickly removed. It felt great to be outside. For me running outside is much more diffcult than running on a treadmill but I definitely prefer it.
The rest of my runs were on the treadmill since the weather dipped into the 20's and 30's. Tuesday I ran 3.36, Thursday was 3.55 and Saturday was 3.5. My total for last week was a whopping 13.91 miles! I can hear you all snickering! Most of you run that and more in one day. But I know you're also cheering me on. You know how tough it is as a beginner runner and your words of support and encouragement mean a lot to me and I want to thank all of you for that. Next week I have a goal of 15 miles. I also will start back with my running group next Wednesday.
Today I didn't do much, at least I haven't since 2 this afternoon. Last night all 5 granddaughters spent the night. Their ages are 12, 10, 8, 5 and 2. Five giggling, high-pitched voiced balls of endless energy. They turn the stereo up high, dance and sing to every song, color me endless pictures that I have to put on my fridge, scatter toys, books, colors and pencils up and down the stairs, ride their blankets down the stairs (which I have now forbidden as it leaves lint on the carpet that is difficult to vacuum), bicker over what movie to watch and who is sleeping where.
Last night I managed to get them to bed early - 11:15! The 2 yo wet my bed (no pullups!) and I had to change her and rearrange where we slept. I finally got up a 6:30 for some quiet time - they ALL woke up at 7:00. Today was a flurry of activty until they went home at 2:00. It's always a whirlwind from the time they hit my door until I close the door behind them as they leave. But I love every minute of it.
I think today qualifies as cross training, don't you?
I took a nap this afternoon and this evening I have the academy awards on as I read blogs and drink a well deserved glass of wine. I hope you have a nice relaxing evening too.
Bow-Tie Pasta Salad
1 day ago