And it’s called running! Last July I posted about not being able to make running a habit and not knowing why. I couldn’t imagine that I would ever think of running being important enough to me that I would schedule my other activities around my running schedule. But since I made a goal of running 15 miles a week, that’s just what I’ve noticed I’ve been doing the last two weeks.
Setting a goal and accomplishing it has helped me make running something I now actually look forward to doing. I’ve noticed that, even though I feel exhausted after running, I also feel pretty good. And it’s a great stress reliever!
The last few months have been very busy for me at work, especially the last two weeks. The week before last it got so stressful I started getting headaches and heartburn. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could jump on the treadmill (it was still cold and snowy and yep, I’m a wimp). Last week some of my family came into town unexpectedly. Even though I enjoyed being with them, I made sure I made my 15 miles goal.
My mileage for the last two weeks (I don’t include warm-up or cool-down times)
Week of 3/20:
Sun 3.85
Mon 2.59
Wed 2.25
Sat 6.50*
Tot 15.19
*I was going for 7 but my treadmill stopped at 6.5, I don’t know why. I don’t know what the time was because it reset the time, but not the mileage. My treadmill is a Proform. Does anyone know if they have a distance or time limit and if that can be changed?
Week of 3/27:
Mon 3.13
Wed 3.04
Fri 4.01
Sat 5.26*
Tot 15.44
*I originally did 4.26 then realized I was .56 short but had to go to dinner at my daughter’s so ran another mile when I got home.
When my lungs get used to the shock of having to work hard at least four days a week, I’ll increase my weekly distance a little. Right now I’m trying to increase my speed very slowly!
Bow-Tie Pasta Salad
1 day ago